WeGo team outing 2023: Escape Island Adventure Ottenhome

With the 3rd quarter well underway, it was time for another fun WeGo team outing. This year, the planned activity was kept secret. The anticipation began to build weeks before the event, as our HR team carefully crafted invitations, leaving us all guessing about the activity and destination that awaited us. Our meeting held before the event had set the stage for reflection and progress, and then it was time to bond and unleash our collective team spirit.
The day kicked off with a meeting, where colleagues from WeGo’s Amsterdam headquarters and our WeGo Germany team gathered to share their work updates. Amidst a buzzing atmosphere and accompanied by delicious snacks and drinks, our CEO, Peter de Jong, took the stage, highlighting our achievements thus far and unveiling exciting upcoming projects.

Destination revealed

After the meeting, we embarked on a journey to a secret location. The air was filled with excitement and curiosity as we tried to piece together the hints and speculate on the activities that lay ahead. With anticipation mounting, we left the office, ready for an adventure.

Upon arrival, our mystery destination was revealed: An escape island adventure awaited us. Divided randomly into three teams, each assigned to a boat, we set sail towards the main island. The challenge began with a race to start a fire, an old-school skill that tested our resourcefulness and teamwork. The fastest team earned the privilege to stay on the main island, while the others were destined for the subsequent islands.

Shared Achievements

Once we reached our designated islands, we were faced with locked boxes and riddles. To open the first box, we had to unravel a story and solve a mathematical equation. Inside, we discovered the ingredients to bake bread, which granted us access to the second box. Bamboo sticks and ties awaited us, challenging us to construct the most impressive structure. Finally, the third box demanded our creativity and precision in assembling geometric figures. Success in each challenge allowed us to progress, ultimately leading to a  boat ride back to the starting point, with final riddles to solve along the way.

Throughout the escape island activity, every team member had an opportunity to shine and showcase their unique talents. From quick mathematical thinking to creative architectural skills, our diverse abilities blended harmoniously to tackle the challenges before us. Collaboration and healthy competition fuelled our progress, creating an atmosphere of shared achievement.

BBQ and Winners

Following the fun activities, we reconvened at Ottenhome Beachclub, a picturesque location perfect for our celebratory barbecue and winner announcement. Surrounded by boats and immersed in the natural beauty of the area, we relished delicious food and snacks, savouring the satisfaction of a day well spent.

Our team outing brought us closer together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that will undoubtedly transcend our workplace. We embraced healthy competition, cherished the opportunity to explore hidden talents, and forged stronger bonds among our team members. The outing served as a reminder of the value of collaboration, creativity, and collective effort.

The WeGo team outing was a resounding success, leaving lasting memories and an indelible mark on our team’s dynamics. The escape island adventure showcased our ability to overcome challenges, think outside the box, and work together towards a common goal. We returned to the office the following week reenergized, inspired, and eager to bring our newfound unity and spirit into our daily endeavours.

Are you in the search of finding new challenges with teammates that will surprise you with their top-notch abilities? Check our vacancies on your career page!


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